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Life’s Purpose

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Numerological Profile (Printed, leather cover) $80 $40 SALE - 50% OFF!

Numerological Profile is a personalized numerological report, which includes key pieces everyone should know about himself. Order Numerological profile and learn your lucky numbers, your major karmic goals, your best career path, your personal qualities and more.

Numerological Profile is an outstanding special gift for you or your loved ones, which is equally relevant at any age!

Numerological Profile comes with a leather cover and is available in Red or Blue color.

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What is My Life Purpose (In-person/online) $100

This is a 45-60 minutes consultation, where we discuss your life purpose given in your birth code. According to the scriptures, one who understands and fulfills his responsibilities (dharma) is protected in all other areas of his life. This consultation is recommended to serious people, who are willing to put effort to make their life better, happier and of a greater value. This consultation is NOT recommended for those, who are seeking to verify their grandiosity.

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My Own Question (In-person/online) $100

This is a 45-60 minutes consultation, where we discuss your question and the options to solve it.

This consultation is recommended for those type of questions that keep you up at night or cause a great amount of concern. We will discuss your question prior to scheduling a session.

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Coaching (In-person/online) $250

This is a 30-45 minutes consultation, which is meant to review your experience and make appropriate adjustments to your goals. This package is meant for those clients who already had an initial consultation and would like to change their life to the better under my continuous guidance. This package will be useful to those individuals, who realize that happiness does not come from luck, it is rather a result of an effort one takes to achieve it.